
The Guild is organized with an annually elected board and officers who appoint standing and special committees.

2024 Board
In-coming Co-President – Nicole Mork
Out-going Co-President – Pam Hogarth
Treasurer – Eliza Sheppard
Secretary – Stacy Renfroe

Board Members at Large
Lily Ellison
Karen Frazer
Jen Goodie
Michelle Joye
Laurel Schmolze

Standing Committees & Appointments
Diversity & Inclusion – Stacy Renfroe and Jin Kim
Equipment – Nan O’Donnell and Laurel Schmolze
Hospitality Chair – Judy Kamei
Hospitality Committee – Recruiting
Librarian – Anne Jensen
Marketing – Drew Hirschinger
Membership Chair – Jennifer Goodie
Membership Committee – Modestine Mei
Mentoring Coordinator – Michelle Joye
Newsletter Editor – Sierra Senzaki
Outreach & Events – Recruiting (Please contact Nicole Mork)
Programs – Recruiting (Please contact Mary Tiffany)
Raffle Coordinator – Lily Ellison and Alison Vu
Workshops – Mary Tiffany
Vendor Coordinator – Recruiting
Vendor Committee – Jen Goodie
Webmaster – Jin Kim
Last updated 09/06/2024