Meeting & Event Calendar

 Fiber Event
 Guest Vendor
    1 2 3 4 5Fiber Event - Lambtown FestivalFiber Event - Lambtown FestivalAt the Dixon May Fairgrounds in Dixon, California for our 38th annual celebration of all things sheep, lamb, and wool. 655 S. First St, Dixon, CA 95620 Map
6Fiber Event - Lambtown FestivalFiber Event - Lambtown FestivalAt the Dixon May Fairgrounds in Dixon, California for our 38th annual celebration of all things sheep, lamb, and wool. 655 S. First St, Dixon, CA 95620 Map Fiber Event - Pioneer Days
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Fiber Event - Pioneer DaysTime: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Take the Pioneer Challenge at the Chatsworth Historical Society! Pioneer Day from 11-3 pm At the Homestead Acre Test your skills at Chores of Yore, panning for gold, bee keeping, blacksmithing, leather work, quilting and more… Tour the Cottage and Museum. HOMESTEAD ACRE 10385 Shadow Oak Drive, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Located just inside the entrance to Chatsworth Park South. Additional Parking and Shuttle service from the Chatsworth Train Depot (north lot) Every 15 minutes from 11am to 3 pm
For more information contact: Admission/Donation $5 Adults, Children $1 – Free for kids under 5
10385 Shadow Oak Drive, Chatsworth, CA 91311
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Monthly guild meetings are held from 10 am to 1 pm on the 4th Saturday of each month except December. Doors open at 9:00 am. We meet at:

St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
11555 National Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90064

Meetings include a short informational program, study groups focused on spinning techniques, information on members’ projects, and informal spinning. We occasionally have guest vendors attend.


The guild periodically hosts workshops led by members or guest instructors. Guild members receive priority registration for workshops, with remaining open seats available to non-members.


As part of our mission to educate the Greater Los Angeles area residents on the art of spinning, we perform spinning demonstrations at public events throughout the year. Our demonstrations consist of members showing spinning on spindles or spinning wheels, and may include hands-on instruction. Many events are free to the public.

Fiber Events:

We are fortunate to have many fiber arts events in the Greater Los Angeles area throughout the year. GLASG often has a booth or demonstration onsite at these events, and if not, many of our members are in attendance.